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Miners K

Surname Forename/Initials Notes
Kane J
Kasanschiffs Wasils
Kavanagh K
Kavanagh T
Kearns P
Kearns W
Keasey F
Keeley B C P
Keeling A C B
Keeling S
Kelly Edward Allan ex-Durham Miner 1963-65
Kelly J
Kelly J G
Kempson DennisConscripted Bevan boy
Kendrick A R
Kennedy F
Kennedy L S
Kenny J
Kent T
Kerr V C
Kerringhan N
Kerwin S
Kettley B L
Keys C W
Kimberley M J
Kindley M
King L
Kirkham H
Kirkwood H
Kiss J
Klavins A
Knight D J
KnowlesJohnDied at pit 1947
Knox J
Kocurek J
Koller J
Kopec W
Kosak W
Kovcas J
Kruch B
Krych B
Kryrcenko N
Kule P


  • The HAMSTEAD MINERS MEMORIAL TRUST is a registered Charity No.1098711
  • We welcome information and photographs on Hamstead Colliery and Great Barr