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A number of poems have been written about the 1908 Disaster.

At the time, as part of the fund raising to help the miners and their families, a number of poems about the disaster were written and sold for a penny each.

Each poem is listed in alphabetical sequence of author. Click on the first line providedto see each poem on its own page.

George Baker - Story Of Hamstead Mine

Death! Death! O Death, what is it? ...

J.T.Bayliss - Lines to Commemorate the Awful Disaster which occurred at Hamstead Colliery March 4th 1908

METHINKS 'tis everyones's ...
Price One Penny - Sold in aid of the Fund for the Widows and Orphens, Copies may be had Within or of the Author, 312 Blake Lane, Bordesley Green


You’ve heard of that sad disaster at Hamstead Nr’ Great Barr; ...

Ron Treharne

On Spouthouse Bridge,I stood at dusk and scanned ...



Next - Observations


  • The HAMSTEAD MINERS MEMORIAL TRUST is a registered Charity No.1098711
  • We welcome information and photographs on Hamstead Colliery and Great Barr