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Waiting for a Miracle

Throughout the rescue attempts the families of the miners waited for news. The tale of the disaster was covered by the newspapers.

The weather was poor. It was reported one miner was saved because he was late due to snow and was not allowed to enter the pit. Other reports talk of heavy rain and wind hampering efforts.

A pathetic incident was the fact that the funeral of Mr Joseph Hughes, the under manager of the pit, who lost his life on the previous Saturday in the colliery had been arranged and a number of funeral coaches covered in wreaths were drawn up at the entrance of the colliery at the very moment that the rescue teams arrived, adding to the grief.

It was reported at the time that a dense crowd had formed and upwards of 8,000 people were at the scene

Help arrived to support both the miners and their families. The Salvation Army brought food for the sorrowing relatives of the entombed men. They were based in the engine-house and provided counsel and comfort to the distressed women and chldren.

A relief table
Mrs McDonald from Handsworth with relief table

Next - The Rescue Attempts


  • The HAMSTEAD MINERS MEMORIAL TRUST is a registered Charity No.1098711
  • We welcome information and photographs on Hamstead Colliery and Great Barr