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Miners Institute

On November 19th 1930 the lord mayor of Birmingham officially opened the Miners Institute, Sports and Recreation Ground.

The Institute and recreation ground covered an area of seven and a half acres and cost £16,000 which came from the Miners' Welfare Fund. The colliery paid half the ongoing maintenance costs of the site.

The recreation ground included childrens swings , merry-go-round, helter-skelter, sand pit, jungle gymnasium and shelters.

The Institute contained a billiard room with three full sized "Burroughs & Watts" tables, fully equiped canteen, and recreation room. The Concert Room and Dance Hall can provide for 250 seats with stage, lighting and artists rooms. Facilities for Badmington and Table Tennis were also available.

While the institute survives as a working mans club the sports and recreation facilities were sold off for housing and the roads Weavers Green and Hobhouse Close cover this site.


  • The HAMSTEAD MINERS MEMORIAL TRUST is a registered Charity No.1098711
  • We welcome information and photographs on Hamstead Colliery and Great Barr