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A Memorial to Hamstead Miners

The Hamstead Miners Memorial Trust raised funds to create a permanent memorial to those who died in the 1908 disaster and to remember the mining community of Hamstead.

The memorial is an original coal tub on rails mounted on a brick plinth. It is situated near Hamstead village at the junction of Hamstead Road and the Old Walsall Road. Names of those who dies in the 1908 disaster are on the plinth.

Connaught Plc sponsored the memorial by building the foundations and plinth.

Unveiling of the Memorial

The official unveiling was on June 13th 2008 at 2pm by Dr. Carl Chinn.

See the video of the unveiling here:

Views of the Memorial

Development of the memorial

A start on the memorial was made on 4th March 2008 with the turning of the first soil.Turning of first soil
Local school children from Ferndale School joind residents, former miners and members of the Hamstead Miners Memorial Trust gathered at the corner of Hamstead Road and Old Walsall Road at the turning of the first soil for the memorial and to mark the centenary of the Hamstead colliery disaster.

Construction of the base progressed well.

Memorial base under construction

On 21st May the tub was mounted on the plinth.

Express and Star Picture of coal tub and Trust members
picture courtesy of the Express and Star

Originally it was proposed to have a statue of a miner but the cost was prohibitive.

drawing of the proposed memorial


  • The HAMSTEAD MINERS MEMORIAL TRUST is a registered Charity No.1098711
  • We welcome information and photographs on Hamstead Colliery and Great Barr