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Miners G

Surname Forename/Initials Notes
Gabor G
Gale W A
Gannon S R
Gansio V
  Gardner B J
Garner W
Gates L R
Gault D
Gavan P
Gayle V S
Gibbons V
Gibbs D
Gibson J
Gibson M
Gilbert J
Gilchrist R K
Gill A F
Gillard D
Gilligan B
Gillmore D
Gilpin F
Gilroy P
Girbutt W F
Gisevicius B
Gobsill D
Golby R
Golden J
Goldie A
Goodchild J
Goodchild J W
Gooderham G
Gordon B J
Gordon R L
Gordon S O
Gorman J F
Gorman P J W
Gough J C
Gramphorn G
Gray W H
Green P M
Greenwood J
Greer W
Grey D
Grice J
Grice J
Griffin R
Griffin R A 
Griffiths A J
Griffiths B F
Griffiths E J
Griffiths F
Griffiths G J
Griffiths James Jnr.
Griffiths James Snr.
Griffiths James (3rd)
Griffiths John James George
Griffiths M
Griffiths P C T
Griffiths Thomas Henry
Griffiths Tom
Grimes T
Grinham A
Grogan J
Grzesiak B
Guest John Died in 1908 disaster, age 27
Guiheen J A


  • The HAMSTEAD MINERS MEMORIAL TRUST is a registered Charity No.1098711
  • We welcome information and photographs on Hamstead Colliery and Great Barr